Feature(may vary by option.)

●Total Length: 8.3 ft (2.34 m) / Segment (strands): 6.6 inches (2 cm) / Streamlined Dimensions: 47.2 inches (120.0 cm)
●Weight: 3.9 oz (100 g) / Tip Diameter: 0.05 inches (1.3 mm)
●Compatible Lure Weight: 0.1 - 0.7 oz (3 - 18 g); Compatible Line PE No. 0.4 - 1
●Reel Seat Position: 12.6 inches (320 mm) *Uplock
●Carbon content (%): 93.9

[S78L (light verstile)]

[S78ML (Vertile)]


From the Manufacturer


This rod is designed for use in a variety of scenes, including the bottom game, from the front to the middle layer, and even games that are aiming at the shore wall and structure.It has the performance you need for a bream game in a higher dimension, making it great for a variety of techniques and fields.The flexible tip increases bottom sensitivity and range retention, and features a good gourmet that follows Breams unique poke attitude.Joints are designed to increase bat power.Ensures hooking power & response through the hard jaw of Bream.Also, the center of gravity is positioned close to the hand for a lightweight balance.The grip material and shape have been paid to further reduce weight and increase sensitivity.

An advanced blanks with parallel specifications and reduced weight.

The Breneus uses a parallel design that contributes to improving bat power.By ensuring a strong core without shaking, we have achieved a hook response that can support hard short bites that can be easily transmitted, and the hook power to ensure the wide axis hook through.The weight is not only lightweight, but also the parallel seam allows the center of gravity to be held close to your hand for a lightweight balance.In addition, the soft-tip design is the base of the series.This improves the bottom sensitivity and bottom retention capabilities, and the eating performance has been greatly improved.

A focus on making it lightweight

Features based on the blank that achieves a lightweight balance.Cork front grip features lightweight, sensitive, and superior feel when touched.CI4+ is a perfect sheet that contributes to a lighter weight, high strength, and high sensitivity.Designed to be used with light lines, it is packed with features such as a small diameter guide that does not spoil light and sensitivity, and a micro guide.

3 Techniques to Conquer Bream

Bream, a game fish that is inhabited all over Japan, can be enjoyed by selecting the season or field, and using the attack pattern to choose from.The dedicated model of the Brenneus has 5 items that are suitable for a variety of scenes, including the bottom game, the top layer to the middle layer, and even the game of shore walls and structure.This item has been designed to meet various field characteristics and techniques that are required according to the game content, such as items that place verstiles, light plugging, and polished to delicate operability and biting performance.





Spiral X High Power X

Tough-Tech α (S80L-S) Stainless Steel Frame SiC Guide, Micro Guide

The picture shows S80L-S.

Perfection Seat CI4+ Cork Front Grip

2 Piece Consistent Center Cut