Feature(may vary by option.)

●The titanium used for this product is made of 99% pure titanium
●Titanium cutlery with 1 spoon and fork in 2 colors
●Titanium boasts a light weight similar to aluminum and superior strength to stainless steel
●Titanium is lighter and stronger than steel. Durable, lightweight, heat-resistant, non-toxic and non-corrosive
●This product comes with a dedicated storage case and bag. It measures only 8.3 x 2.4 inches (21 x 6 cm). It has a total weight of only 3.2 oz (90 g) (including the case)




Titanium spoon is perfect for outdoor use. Titanium is lightweight and strong enough to surpass stainless steel, and has excellent corrosion resistance that wont rust even when exposed to the elements and rain. Not only is it great for camping and touring, but it is also great for mountain climbing and trekking.