Feature(may vary by option.)

●This universal kick pedal lever is perfect for customizing and maintaining your motorcycle. Offset design prevents interference and ensures the starter function is supported.
●Compatible with 0.5 - 0.5 inch (12 - 13 mm) mounting diameters, making it easy to replace
●The sleek design and durability allow you to improve functionality while accentuating your bike styling
●[Size] Kick shaft mounting diameter approx. 0.5 - 0.5 inches (12 - 13 mm)
●Variations: 1 piece / 2 piece set







Universal Kick Pedals

Recommended for replacing old, rusted kick levers

Product Dimensions

Kick Shaft Mounting Diameter: Approx. 0.5 - 0.5 inches (12 - 13 mm).

You can choose from a set of 2

123 111 tt
Universal Kick Pedal Universal Kick Pedal Sports Change Pedals
Installation Size: 12mm - 13mm 0.5 - 0.6 inches (13 - 1 13mm
Features This is a universal kick pedal. Recommended for replacing rusted and worn kick levers. This is a universal kick pedal. Recommended for replacing rusted and worn kick levers. We recommend replacing your old pedals with rust or scratches from genuine pedals.

Product information