Feature(may vary by option.)

●Store your favorite keyboards or tablets in style! Dress up!
●This is an acrylic stand with an acrylic diagonal display
●Size: 6.5 x 4.7 x 3.1 inches (166 x 119 x 79 mm)
●Directions: Assembly type
●Color: Black and translucent transparent type clear type




This is a keyboard stand that can stand up your computer keyboard.

Acrylic StandAcrylic Stand

It can be hung diagonally and can be displayed in a beautiful and cool stand.

Store your favorite keyboards or tablets in style! Dress up!

This is an acrylic stand with an acrylic diagonal display.

Size: 6.5 x 4.7 x 3.1 inches (166 x 119 x 79 mm)

Directions: Assembly type

Color: Black, semi-transparent, transparent type clear type

Cute acrylic stand

Keyboard StandKeyboard Stand

Acrylic StandAcrylic Stand

Acrylic StandAcrylic Stand

Transparent type

Display Display

Dress up in style

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