Feature(may vary by option.)

●This is a retro pouch kit made by popular DMC Happy COTTON
●Finished Size: W 4.5 x H 3.1 inches (11.5 x 8 cm)
●Material: DMC Happy Cotton (Model Number: DMC392) 100% cotton
●Quantity: 1 set
●Country of Manufacture: Japan






This is a retro pouch kit and camera made by popular DMC Happy COTTON.
Includes a knitting recipe that makes it easy for beginners.
Set of HAPPY COTTON yarn in the color and volume required for production.
Fastening can be attached with knitting thread HAPPY COTTON and binding needles, making it very simple.
Feel free to try it at home.

Kit Contents:
Knitting thread DMC Happy Cotton (model number: DMC392) x 2 - 4 colors.
Zipper, recipe

[What you need] Crochet 5/0, binding needle, scissors, ruler, gusset needle, chalk pen

Production Time: Approx. 4 hours.

Finished Size: W 4.5 x H 3.1 inches (11.5 x 8 cm).
※ May vary slightly depending on the tightness of the braiding.