Feature(may vary by option.)

●#8 in Japanese-Style Tabi Work Shoes



Product Description

This is a new era of underground tabi with a rubber and zipper that makes it difficult to put on and take off, and has an improved fit. Once you put it on, you wont want to take it off, and it will make a difference in your work efficiency. Adopts large magic: The opening is made with a large and durable magic that is safe for daily work. Adjustment function: The elastic rubber fits the calf. Side zipper specifications: The side has a zipper, so you can easily put it on and take it off. The upper is made of a durable cotton-woven material. The sole is made of synthetic rubber with excellent mobility and a comfortable stepped on. Weighs 10.2 inches (26.0 cm) and weighs approximately 11.8 oz (315 g) per sho

Brand Story

1873年、足袋づくりからスタートしたムーンスター。私たちは靴を通してお客さまの快適な人生をサポートする事をめざしています。私たちの会社は、創業期より精品主義を企業運営の基本においています。この精品主義の本質とは、お客さまの喜ぶ靴、満足する靴を創ることです。私たちは、お客さまにとって真に快適で高品質な靴を提供するために、常にお客さまの声を聞いて、新技術や新素材の研究開発に挑戦しています。企業コンセプトであるTHE FOOTCOMFORT COMPANYは、そんな私たち一人ひとりの決意を表したものです。私たちは、これからもお客さまに快適な靴を提供していくために挑戦していきます。

From the Manufacturer

The creation of Moon Star Tabi bag continues from Meiji Taisho


The history of the Moon Star begins in 1873 with the name of "Tachiya".Experience the functionality and comfort that is backed by history.

A thorough quality control system that supports your trust.

Quality GuaranteedQuality Guaranteed

We thoroughly control four quality levels of planning power to develop products that meet your needs, design ability to control quality, realize the ability to produce high-quality products, and service power that uses feedback to our products.

Product Features

Easy to put on and take off, farm work, civil engineering, lightweight, attached, non-slip, durable, fit, improved work efficiency, magic zipper, gripping, anti-slip, festival Easy to put on and take off, farm work, civil engineering, lightweight, attached, non-slip, durable, fit, improved work efficiency, magic zipper, gripping, anti-slip, festival

Easy to put on and take off, farm work, civil engineering, lightweight, attached, non-slip, durable, fit, improved work efficiency, magic zipper, gripping, anti-slip, festival Easy to put on and take off, farm work, civil engineering, lightweight, attached, non-slip, durable, fit, improved work efficiency, magic zipper, gripping, anti-slip, festival

Easy to put on and take off, farm work, civil engineering, lightweight, attached, non-slip, durable, fit, improved work efficiency, magic zipper, gripping, anti-slip, festival Easy to put on and take off, farm work, civil engineering, lightweight, attached, non-slip, durable, fit, improved work efficiency, magic zipper, gripping, anti-slip, festival

Adjustment function

The calf part of the outer waist is made of highly elastic rubber.Fits comfortably over your calf.

Easy to put on and take off with the zipper + Velcro.

The heel part is equipped with a "zipper" and the opening of the shoe is a magic specification, so you can easily put on and take off.

Sole is "attached"

The sole is made of synthetic rubber with excellent mobility and a comfortable stepped on.