Feature(may vary by option.)

●(New Features) Equipped with the Green Eye that you will see the green aim, a powerful ally for golfers who want to want 3 pads
●Latest GPS Chip: This product uses u-blox M10 GPS chip
●Lightweight model: Only 1.6 oz (48 g), lightweight and comfortable to wear
●Focus on Outdoor Visibility: Uses SHARP MIP color reflective liquid crystal (MIP: Memory In Pixel)
●(Recommended Height Difference Distance) Displays a height difference and an estimated distance with a height difference in height
●Auto Measure: Equipped with an auto measure function that automatically detects shots and registers the location
●Competition Mode: Compatible with new 2019 rules. Can be used in competition




新機能 グリーンの狙いどころが分かる 『 Green Eye 』搭載日本全国100%+海外6万コース以上収録特許取得済のShot Navi 独自機能! 『 フェアウェイナビ 』誤差1m以内を実現!高精度みちびきL1S 対応