Feature(may vary by option.)

●Wire Rope Crimp and Crimp Oval Sleeve
●Material: Aluminum
●Compatible Wire Diameter: 0.2 inches (6.0 mm)
●Length: 23mm
●Quantity: 20 pieces
●Aluminum sleeve for crimping, crimping, securing and terminating wire ropes
●Quantity: 20



Material: Aluminum
Compatible Wire Diameter: 0.2 inches (6.0 mm)
Length: 23mm
Quantity: 20 pieces

(Aluminum sleeve allows you to crimp, crimp, fix, and terminal processing of wire ropes)

Construction site: Can be used as a hanging tool for electrical, electric wire, wiring, lighting work, etc.
Farming... Set up fences and fences for orchards, vegetable gardens, etc., to protect against pests from wild animals.
DIY projects using your own home time to set up a laundry line and use it for gardening, home vegetable gardens, and country life DIY.
Disaster prepared... Fixes furniture and appliances for earthquake prevention.
Interior: Hang exhibitions and art items to create a stylish space.