Feature(may vary by option.)

●Nylon Training Belt: Comfortable and durable
●Since it is lightweight, it reduces the burden on the body, you can expect an effective training nig
●Thick and flexible, this product provides great back and abdominal support and helps keep warm muscles from cold. It is also flexible and easy to wear
●Approximately 4 inches wide (10cm) 3" wide support strap
●Size Small:61-73.7cm Medium:73.7-84cm Large:84-94cm XL:94-106.7cm


サイズ Small:61~73.7センチ Medium:73.7~84センチ Large:84~94センチ サイズの計測はメジャーを使用してウエストを計測してください。 計測するポイントはおへその位置です。お腹を少しへこませた状態を基準にして下さい。