Feature(may vary by option.)

●Compatible pads: MRPC-125/MRP6S-125/MRP6C-125

[Fine #1000]

[Coarse #400]

[Medium #600]


Nylon polishing discs are easy to handle even for beginners.

Polishing DiscPolishing Disc

MN125A MN125BMN125A MN125B


It has high cushioning, so it can be polished evenly.

Nylon fiber polishing discs are easy to handle even for beginners.

It is difficult to clog and has high cushioning, so it can be polished evenly.

Rough (#400) and Medium (#600)

MN125A (Grit Size: Coarse #400)

For removing rust from metal, removing peeling and removing paint from carpentry.

MN125B (Grit Size: Medium #600)

Can be used for sanding woodworking, potting before painting, and removing blackheads from tiles!

Fine (#1000) and tools for use

MN125C (Grit Size: Fine #1000)

For polishing and removing scratches from metal work, polishing and removing stains.

It can be attached securely with a Velcro.

It is 4.9 inches (125 mm) in diameter, and can be used with rubber pads and random sanders.