Feature(may vary by option.)

●管理医療機器 医療機器認証(承認)番号:225AGBZX00030000

[12 capsules]

[24 capsules]

[72 capsules]

[48 capsules]


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●においません。肌色で小さく目立ちません。 ●貼ったまま入浴できます。


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朝日薬業株式会社  薬剤師 溝口清子  電話番号 06-6582-131  対応時間 9:30~12:00/13:00~17:00  ※土·日·祝日·年末年始などは除く

From the Manufacturer

Mechanism of Koli




How many are it for your daily life?

If you continue to keep the same posture all day at your desk or are always poor posture, these stress will put on your neck, shoulders, and back to get tight muscles. Constant tension over long periods of time can show minor imperfections such as tightness, stiffness, heavy and painful over the neck, base of the neck, neck and shoulders and back.

Dont leave it alone. Vicious Circulation of Knots

Koli refers to the tension and fatigue of everyday life habits of building up and contracted muscles, becoming thicker and firm.

Dont leave it alone. Vicious Circulation of Knots

Your muscles are tensioned, stiff, and tight muscles compress the blood vessels, and the blood flow congestion causes waste to build up.

This waste stimulates the nerves of the muscles, which further tension the muscles, and fallen into the "vicious circulation of stiffness".

How to Work Pip Electric Van?


Pip electric vans magnetic approach to "virtuous circulation of stiffness."

The Pip Electric Van begins to work on tight areas from the moment the magnet is applied.No skin irritation such as tearing or cooling.(Except for pip-electric vans, M): It is different from the effects of stimulation.

The Magnetic Pip Elekivan works on the bodys components to increase blood flow within the muscles, and flow "waste goods" to help promote vigorous circulation and release stiffness.

Pip Electric Van 130mT




Product Line Up

It can be used for a wide range of occasions, from those who have trouble with stiffness.

Pip Electric Van 130mT

Work by approaching the points of stiffness.For those who have a lot of hardness.

The material is made of a non-woven fabric that is flexible and stretchy in all directions.It fits the movement of the skin, so it wont cause stress on your skin and does not get rashed.

It is highly breathable so it does not get stuffy, and it is comfortable to wear without becoming soggy.

The colors are small and inconspicuous and have a good color that is familiar with the skin, so it is hard to stand out even when applied.

How to use pip-electric vans?

Inner Clip Sole
Electric Van 80 Electric Van 130 Electric Van MAX200 Electric Van Inner Clip Electric van formama Elekivan sole band
Magnetic flux density 80mm Tesla 130 ml Tesla 200 ml Tesla 130 ml Tesla 200 ml Tesla 130 ml Tesla
Number of beads: 24 tablets 24 tablets 24 tablets Pack of 2 12 tablets Pack of 2
Product Features Recommended for first-time users with low magnetic flux density.Loosen the knots and knots For those who are quite elaborate.It works well for those concerned about stiffness. The Pip Elekivan series with the strongest magnetic force that reaches a wide range of stiffness. Simply attach it to your own underwear straps and "care for your hard to reach shoulder blades without noticing. The colored magnets are difficult to open from infants, so you can safely collaborate with peace of mind. Pip electric foot band with peen and tension.Magnetic improves blood circulation on the sole of the foot and helps to release painful stiffness.The cushion feels great and the arch is comfortable when you walk.

Product information