Feature(may vary by option.)

●Color: White
●Number of zipper bags: 10




Storing and managing worm hooks is hard to use. When managed in the package, the hook you want to use will not come out immediately when you want to use it. However, if you manage it with a hard case, you have trouble storing large hooks and use more space than you need for small hooks. This is the same thing for storing small items such as snaps. You want to store your hooks and accessories easily accessible and compactly. This single hook stocker II was born from such things. File format zipper bag allows you to store items in a compact package. The zipper bag can be stored with the product itself, so you can organize it easily and easily. The main unit comes in a variety of colors. Easy to determine what stockers are stored. In order to protect the contents from water leaks, it is equipped with a simple waterproof function. Freeing the angler from the stress of falling down can make the angler more focus on fishing. Ryugi thinks.