Feature(may vary by option.)

●9cm x 4.2cm
●Perfect addition to your skull collection or as an unusual gift or decoration
●Cotton Tail Rabbit Skulls - 13 kinds of cotton tail rabbit can be found in most regions of North America. Their adaptability is strong and has all terrain and many habitats. The cotton tail rabbit is the back of your hand, which means no hair, and you need to rely on them for weeks to come. These skulls are average 3" long
●Please note that this is a real skull and not a resin replica!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
●Skulls are professionally prepared





9cm x 4.2cm

Perfect addition to your skull collection or as an unusual gift or decoration.

Product Description

Cotton Tail Rabbit Skulls - 13 kinds of cotton tail rabbit can be found in most regions of North America. Their adaptability is strong and has all terrain and many habitats. The cotton tail rabbit is the back of your hand, which means no hair, and you need to rely on them for weeks to come. These skulls are average 3 inches long.