Feature(may vary by option.)

●Recommended Age: 3 years and up
●Target Gender: Unisex
●Komugin Noodles "Konekorabu"
●Comes with a Nedo board, making it perfect for the first Nedo play
●8 colors in container, 7 types of cutters, 1 roller cutter, 1 spatula, 1 scissors, 1 Nondo machine (with 2 towels) x 1 piece, Nedo board with press mold

[First Set with Large Nendorboard Single Item]


A komugi noodle that is safe and secure.
Encourages freedom of imagination and creativity and is perfect for developing a sense of color.
Set Death with Nendorboard recommended for children who play for the first time.
Includes a roller cutter that is popular for children and the Nendoro Machine that can be used to squeeze out and play with.

(Set Contents) 8 colors in container, 7 types of cutters, 1 roller cutter, 1 spatula, 1 scissors, 1 Nedo machine (with 2 towels) x 1, Nedo board with push mold.

(From Amazon.co.jp)

From the Manufacturer

Kneading KrabuKneading Krabu

Kneading KrabuKneading Krabu


Komugin Noodles made of anshin material

Encourages early childhood growth through Nendoro play

Kneading and Kneading at Everyone

Toy Safety

Our recommended age:
Manufacturers minimum age: 3 years