Feature(may vary by option.)

●Super strong plastic shoji paper is easy and clean
●Uses: For use with super strong plastic shoji paper


[5mm x 20m x 2 rolls]


Estimated Usage Area: 1 roll contains: 4 columns 8 rows without lumbar board; 1 sheet of shoji door.

Tape substrate: non-woven fabric
Adhesive: Acrylic resin
Backing: Polyethylene laminate paper

If the shoji frame is unravely, rough or unravely, it may come off. Be sure to sand the sandpaper (around #200) until it is flat and remove debris before sticking.
If the shoji frame is moist or there is still a "remover" or "detergent" remain, so please dry the frame thoroughly before pasting.
When the temperature is below 30°F (10°C), it will become difficult to adhere to the room. Please warm the room before stick and keep the room warm for a while.