Feature(may vary by option.)

●Iron Sinkiyaki Pot, IH Compatible, With Wooden Lid, Gas Fire, IH Compatible, Iron Casting, Inn with Real Iron Pot
●Enjoy the gourmet festival with this iron cucumber fired pot
●Enjoy delicious ingredients with this Nagaru Shusushu Firepot
●Soak into the world of gastronomy with this Iron Clown Firepot
●Enjoy a gourmet feast with the Nazeton Shushu Firepot

[With 8   wooden lid]


Iron Sinkiyaki Pot, ih Compatible with Gas Fire, Induction Fire, Iron Casting, Real Iron Pot with Inn.

Enjoy the gourmet festival with this iron cucumber fired pot

Enjoy delicious ingredients with this Nagaru Shusushu Firepot

Soak into the world of gastronomy with this Iron Clown Firepot

Enjoy a gourmet feast with the Nazeton Shushu Firepot