Feature(may vary by option.)

●Material: 100% linen. *Because the eyes are dense and the number of eyes is not listed
●Size: Approx. 24.4 x 15.7 inches (62
●It has a supple texture of fine linen
●Tightly processed to resist sashing and distortion
●Available in a variety of colors with botanical embroidery










Orimpath Embroidered Floral Linen STITCH CLOTH GP Flora Linen Approx. 24.4 x 15.7 inches (62 x 40 cm), Pale Lavender 1004 100% Linen
Material: 100% linen. *Because the eyes are dense and the number of eyes is not listed.
Size: Approx. 24.4 x 15.7 inches (62
It has a supple texture of fine linen.
Tightly processed to resist sashing and distortion.
Available in a variety of colors with botanical embroidery.
Thin and easy to tailor
Plain woven French embroidery fabric with good needle stitching and delicate embroidery