Feature(may vary by option.)

●The Tom Crown is a classic conduit mute, which is useful in orchestras, wind instruments, and ensembles
●This is a must-have mute that you can enjoy comical play by removing the stem, playing Jazzy, and putting it into the stem
●Lightweight aluminum is a classic material that is easy to hear and easy to handle

[All copper]

[All aluminum]


Tom Crown Wow Mute Trumpet All Aluminum

The Tom Crown is a classic conduit mute, which is useful in orchestras, wind instruments, and ensembles.
This is a must-have mute that you can enjoy comical play by removing the stem, playing Jazzy, and putting it into the stem.

Lightweight aluminum is a classic material that is easy to hear and easy to handle.


From the Manufacturer

Wowow AluminumWowow Aluminum

Wowowmute All Aluminum

The Tom Crown is a classic conduit mute that is useful in orchestras, wind instruments, and ensembles.

This is a must-have mute that you can enjoy comical play by removing the stem, playing Jazzy, and putting it into the stem.

All Aluminum; Lightweight aluminum is a classic material that is easy to sound and easy to handle.

Wowow AluminumWowow Aluminum

All aluminum

Wowow All CopperWowow All Copper

All copper

Straight Gemini cup Adjustable cup Pixie
Straight Gemini GEMINI cup Adjustable cup Pixie
Material: All Aluminum/All Copper/Copper End/Brass End All Aluminum/All Copper/All Brass/Copper End/Brass End All Aluminum/All Copper All aluminum All aluminum