Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made in China
●Anpanman Curious George Hapeko Mushi Hello Kitty Machine Washable <br>[Shinkansen / Koguma / Non-Tan] Machine washable (use a laundry net)

[Y Harapeko Aomushi (Y)]

[Y Curious George (Y)]

[Y Anpanman (Y)]


It is thin and lightweight, so it can be folded compactly and carried around without being bulky, so it is useful for going out. Fold the pocket to the front side to catch spills while eating. There is a polyurethane laminate on the back side, so it is machine washable if the food spills or other contaminants are difficult to stain your clothes. Comes with 2 neck taping for easy removal and removal. Choose from 7 different characters.

Y: Total Length: 13.8 inches (35 cm), Width: 8.3 inches (21 cm), Front Length: 8.3 inches (21 cm), Pocket Height: 3.1 inches