
●◆ start 真宗 sect, the book is/, please enjoy using silk, gentle touch, in a gorgeous field of past * 見台 past book stand in the photo is sold separately.
●Leatherface the pages of the fallen we 法名 戒名, 俗名, optioned date, she was only, 行年, etc. For your to fill, upon on the 見台, 仏壇 central to your celebrations
●Is able to hold open the pages of the 13th anniversary of our feasts, normally, please cover to the front and your festivity
●It is not commonly used in making your 位牌 真宗 so 法名 axles and past book can be used to your celebrations
●* pictures are 4.0 Dimensions: Can be used while shooting everything * Sizes are due to individual differences depending on the lot


■ Size: 3.0 Dimensions: 4.4 cm Width x Length 8.8 cm, Thickness Approx 2.5 cm 3.5 Dimensions: 4.9 cm Wide X 10.4 cm Long, Thickness: approx 2.5 cm 4.0 Dimensions: 5.3 cm Width x Length 12 cm, Thickness Approx 2.6 cm 4.5 Dimensions: 5.9 cm Wide X 13.4 cm Long, Thickness: approx 2.6 cm 5.0 Dimensions: Width 6.5 ◆ cm x length 14.8 cm, Thickness: approx * pictures are: 4.0 Dimensions: Do not use while taking our own sun resistant, resistant to ageing, latest technology to engrave personal is difficult, in the past book paper also available bleeding and UV printing with hard cases. Both type, please see past book [no, in days past book; This is the convenient paper book in the past to your 法名 戒名 letters in] Product Please search title in