Feature(may vary by option.)

●Pad Size: 8" (20cm)
●Material: Padded surface / Sound absorbing rubber
●Color: Black/Gray/Green/Orange/Blue
●Weight: 21.3 oz (600 g); Stick and stand not included







Drums with limited practice environments
In particular, snare strokes.
The VTD02 is a must have drummer that can easily practice anywhere.
Available in a variety of 5 colors.
The feeling of bounce is close to snare, so you can immerse yourself in the double stroke practice.
The Vertite is a Japanese brand with a rich lineup of drum practice pads, so you can choose the one according to your preference.
Provides the best drum practice environment.
Manufacturer: Vertic (Japanese-brand musical instrument manufacturer)
Pad Size: 8" (20cm)
Material: Padding/Sound Absorbing Rubber; Color: Black/Gray/Green/Orange/Blue.
Weight: 21.3 oz (600
Sticks and stands are not included.