Feature(may vary by option.)

●The 210T has been woven with fine and balanced fibers, making it all more durable. This means that the interior warmth will not escape, keeping you warm and comfortable. The breathable skin material is cool to the touch even in summer. Perfect for camping, sleeping in the car, or as a disaster preparedness tool
●The synthetic down does not contain animal proteins like feathers, so there is no bad animal smell like feathers
●The synthetic down fiber structure is artificially reproduced the fibre structure of down to achieve heat retention, softness and lightness
●The ultra-fine microfiber construction creates a layer of air inside the sleeping bag, so you can use it as warm as it does not escape
●Speaking of sleeping bags until now, it can be used in a variety of situations, such as outdoor activities and camping, as a futon for visitors, sleeping in the car, or as a disaster preparedness
●The zipper on the bottom of the sleeping bag can only be opened and closed. When you feel hot, you can open your feet to adjust the temperature. Envelope shape provides space around your foot for freedom of movement
●✅ Tighten the cord at the neck to keep warm air from escaping inside. It also prevents cold air from entering from the outside and enhances heat retention

