Feature(may vary by option.)

●Bar diameter = 22.2 for Φ
●Bar is aluminum shaving, anodized finish
●Clamp Max effective Length: 60 mm
●Stay mounting hole diameter = 10 mm
●Stays on steel/Black Paint Finish




sutemuho-ru using kuranpuba- is the handle of 22.2 mm Diameter, so you can drink holder and
ETC · nabi·sumahohoruda-, and includes all mounting surfaces
Attention. The shape of the sutemuho-ru allows installation are not available.
Especially in the step and depth measurement etc. Carefully Before Ordering
● Fit for example:
Honda VFR1200 °F/(10 – 11) CBR600RR (05) CBR400R (13)
CBR250R (11 – 12) CBR250RR (90 – 94) nsr250r (89)
· Fit for Suzuki/GSX R1000 (03 – 04),