Feature(may vary by option.)

●[Adjustable from 55.3 - 154.3 lbs (25 - 70 kg), and can be trained by anyone from ordinary men to professional athletes] The GD GRIP PRO-70 is a powerful adjustable hand grip that can be adjusted to fine strength from 55.1 lbs (25 - 70 kg). For women with regular grip strength men and athletes who have strong grip strength, you can do grip strength training with the GD GRIP PRO-70
●[ONE HAND GRIP FOR WARMING UP TO NEGATIVE TRAINING] No more scattered for your hand grips. With one GD GRIP PRO-70, you can have all the hand grips in a range of 65.2 - 154.3 lbs (25 - 70 kg). From warm up with small strength to negative strength training, you can use one hand grip for physical training. You can train consistently according to your own strength and increase your grip strength quickly
●[NO BREAKABLE ENGINEERING PLASTICITY] Made of high strength engineering plastics and compression springs used in mold machines, so it is strong and durable. Chinese hand grips are made of cheap plastic material, not nylon material, which can easily break or sag. The GD GRIP PRO-70 is made of premium nylon material, which is plastic but sturdy as it was made of steel
●[Train Safely Without Worry About Spring Break] Hand grips with tensile coil springs have a structural problem of spring breakage after a period of use. However, some cases of splattered fragments and injuries at the same time spring breaks. However, the strong compression springs used in the GD GRIP PRO-70 are safe without the risk of spring breakage. Now you can focus only on your workout without worrying about safety
●[Take your grip strength training anywhere you want] No annoying sound of a gummy. Easy to carry, so you can take it with you wherever you go, anytime. Whether youre at home, in the office, in the car, on the plane or in the library, there is no annoying noise, so you can train your grip strength wherever you want

[1. PRO-70 (25-70kg) (Japanese)]

[3. PRO-E (8-36kg) (Japanese)]

[2.PRO (29〜99ポンド)]

[2. ULTRA-70 (20-70kg) (Japanese)]

[1. PRO-70 (25~70kg)]
