Feature(may vary by option.)

●#81 in Fishing Tackle Boxes

[black lime green]

[bra ac grey]


From the Manufacturer

Introducing a multi-case with protection that can also be used as a camera case.

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

The inner color is made with lime green that makes it easy to check the contents.

One is a great way to protect your precision equipment or items that dont want to scratch them.

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

The strength of the all-around cushioning material

By using cushioning material on all sides, including the inner compartments,

Protect your precision instrument camera, etc.

Provides anti-drag protection for your camera case.

Inner case

Use it as an inner case for your bag or backpack to keep you organized

The main unit is also more compact.

By folding it along the crease

Stores neatly.

Designed with attention to detail

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

Convenient divider

The divider allows you to move it according to your personal belongings.

It can be perfectly stored from small to large reels.

Cinderella Fit

Fits perfectly in the best-selling tackle box, cushioned material and strong EVA material to provide extreme water protection.

Just the right size

The size is designed to be easy to use even by itself.

Great for a variety of occasions.

Multi Soft CaseMulti Soft Case

It is a soft case that goes well with other fishing items.

Backpack, bag, tackle box,

Excellent convenience when used with a variety of fishing gear.