Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: Approx. 10.2 x 4.3 inches (26 x
●Material: TPR, iron
●Handle brush hole: Approx. 1.6 x 1.4 inches (4 x 3.5 cm)
●Country of Origin: China





● Squishy and flexible colander holder; Simple design makes it suitable for any location. The flexible wire can be installed in a variety of places depending on the ingenuity. Unlike suction cup types, it is easy to clean and hygienic. The hole for the handle brush is approximately 1.4 x 1.6 inches (3.5 x 4 cm) for a wide range of applications.

From the Manufacturer

bend, hang,

Bendable Flexible Freedom ShapeBendable Flexible Freedom Shape

bfaucet hanging soapbfaucet hanging soap

Bath Floor SpongeBath Floor Sponge

Squishy Bend.

It can be bent and fixed to any shape you want.

For Soap Rest

Hang on the handle of the bathroom for a soap rest

For sponges

You can hang it on the bathroom bar to place your sponge or brush.

Perforations make it comfortable to keep water out.

Product information