Feature(may vary by option.)

●EVA 10ft (3m) telescoping spinning rod (M). Please note that there may be fraying on the rod bag as it is parallel imported. This is a rod factory product, so you can use it without any problems
●Accessories: Rod bag, top cover
●Size: 10 ft (3 m) Telescoping Spinning (M)
●Dimensions (smallest size): 24.8 inches (63 cm)
●Weight: 5.6 oz (161 g)
●Material: Carbon
●Action: M (pretone)

[11ft Telescopic Spinning Rod (M)]

[9ft Telescoping Spinning Rod (M)]

[11ft Telescopic Bait Rod (M)]

[12ft Telescopic Spinning Rod (M)]

[12ft Telescopic Bait Rod (M)]

[8ft telescope baitrod (M)]

[10ft (3m) Telescoping Spinning Rod (M)]

[9ft telescope baitrod (M)]

[8ft Telescoping Spinning Rod (M)]
