Feature(may vary by option.)

●Specifications: Tanabata supplies
●Set Contents: 20 short books, 20 Koyori pieces x 2 bags
●Size: Short: 8.3 x 2.4 inches (21 x 6 cm), Size: Approx. 8.3 inches (21
●Material: Colored drawing paper
●Features: 5 different colors are meaningful, you can choose the color according to your wishes

[Handmade Lantern]


[star tree]

[Fluorescent Paper Short]

[2 types of dream-tanzaku that you want to come true]

[Booklet Set]

[2 types of martial lanterns]

[2 types of dishcloths]

[3 types of Tanabata Kagashi made with paper]

[2 types of lanterns]


[3 types of assorted party rings]

[Tanabata Kagashi 3 Types]


5-color set shorts. The 5 colors are based on the Yin Yang 5 lines and each have a meaning to make your wish easier by writing a wish in a short book of the color that matches the wishes. The set comes in a set so there is no need to prepare a separate bunch, making it easy to decorate.
A Short: Write a wish about "growth". May you be able to do the "○" etc.
One short: Write a wish about "Appreciation to Parents and ancestors." "Always be energized."
The White Short: Write a wish about "Protect Your Procedure". Do Yes, etc.
Kiyroshi Book... Write a wish about "relationship". May I do so many friends...
Murasaki Shorts: Write your wishes about "school". May I work well for the exam
Set Contents per book: Color drawing paper: 5 colors, total of 20 sheets (Aoh , Akira , Shiro, Kiiro, Murasaki).