Feature(may vary by option.)

●#21 in Mens Undershirts

[Top and bottom (mhs100) orange]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) black]

[Woodland Slash Black]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) brick]

[Top and bottom (mhs103) navy]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) dark gray]

[Top and bottom (mhs103) dark gray]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) teal]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) olive]

[Top and bottom (mhs103) light gray]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) blue]

[Top and bottom (mhs103) white]

[Up and down (mhs100) dgy]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) navy]

[Top and bottom (mhs100) white]

[Winter Hunting Duck]

[Top and bottom (mhs103) black]
