Feature(may vary by option.)

●#35 in Mens Pajama Bottoms




A cute mens set with SESAME STREET characters.
Made with "powder" material that is smooth and comfortable to the touch.
It has a soft and fluffy texture like a soft shaking powder on the cake finish. The fine and short hair knit has just the right amount of elasticity that wraps your body.
Colorful, happy holiday season roomwear collection from Gelato pique collaboration with SESAME STREET friends.
This mens size set combines a jacquard pullover with Elmo, Cookie Monster and Oscar with long striped pants. This item is a top and bottom set, but if you wear it separately and combine it with your own item, you can expand your range of styles. Available in 3 colors: Red - Elmo, BLU - Cookie Monster - GRN - Oscar The Oscar pattern is only available in mens sizes. Matching items for women and kids.