Feature(may vary by option.)

●Country of Origin: China
●Ingredients: Polypropylene, wool, angola, polyurethane, polyester
●Contents: 1 pair
●Product Size (W x D x H): 3.9 x 1.0 x 10.6 inches (100 x 25 x 270 mm)
●Brandt Name: Uncold Feet Series

[Black Ultra Thin]

[Black super thick]


Product Description

It is warm because it envelops with air. “Miraculous Hot” uses insulated air heat fiber. It is warm because it is wrapped in air. Each fiber contains a hollow insulation fiber with air and the power of air to cut out cold air and keep heat out. Perfect for those who are cold from the feet to the knee. The shoes are approximately 0.04 inch (1 mm) thick, making them perfect for going out, commuting to work or school.


Polypropylene, wool, angora, polyurethane, polyester

Product information