Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: Approx. 23.6 x 47.2 inches (60

[green 60×120cm]

[gray 32×85cm]

[Blue × Green 60×120cm]

[white 32×85cm]

[rose 32×85cm]

[green 34×36cm]

[Pink x Orange 60×120cm]

[gray 60×120cm]

[Blue × Green 34×36cm]

[white 60×120cm]

[blue 60×120cm]


This product boasts incredible absorbency and fast drying properties created by fine threads. 100 Years Extreme Series Over 3 times more time than standard towels, this towel is packed with the latest technology and attention to crafting. Enjoy the quality that stands out from the rest. The moment you wipe it off, you will never forget its comfort.