Feature(may vary by option.)

●サイズ:(座面)幅36×奥行き29cm (背部)幅44×奥行き76×高さ18cm
●素材·材質:合成皮革 ポリエステル




From the Manufacturer

An easy and authentic "grab" massage anytime, anywhere.

Grasp Massage

The palm arm works at the same time to achieve a massage that grips the shoulder area.

Move up and down massage

It achieves a "lump" massage that moves upwards and a "lump" massage that moves downwards.Capture and massage your body in three dimensions.


Massage your back and neck while you hit the move.It can also be used to massage at the same time as a flip-ups or flips.

Wide range of treatment

The neck, shoulders, back and waist are treated with serious blistering techniques.Firmly massages stubborn fatigue and sagging around the shoulders, blades and lower back which are prone to accumulating fatigue.

Compact and easy to carry

Foldable for easy carrying.You can bring it anywhere you like and massage it.

Remote Control

Automatic course (full body, shoulders, waist).

Choose from 3 automatic courses pre-programmed to massage the area effectively

Manual Course:

You can choose between a single or complex massage for your back hand massage (lumping, lowering and sagging motion).

(15 minute off timer)

Designed with peace of mind to prevent overuse or forgotten cuts.

Useful in a variety of locations.

Throw it on the couch

Use the chair

Use the wall