Feature(may vary by option.)

[L ネイビー  & ホワイト]

[XO multicolor (white     navy)]

[2XO レッド  & ブラック]

[XO (1911A) Black x White]

[L (6419A) Red x Black]

[XO ブラック  & ホワイト]

[O ブラック  & ホワイト]

[M (1129A) White x Navy]

[M multicolor (white     navy)]

[O (2911A) Navy x White]

[M (1911A) Black x White]


Color: (1129A) White x Navy, (1911A) Black x White, (2911A) Navy x White, (6419A) Red x Black.
Sizes: S, M, L, O, XO, 2XO.
Material: Outer Fabric: 100% Polyester (2 Rovics), Lining: 100% Polyester (mesh).
Binder tape at opening and hem
Comes with pockets.
Features: Windproof, water repellent, moisture permeable.
Compatible with high school baseball rules.
Made in China.

A v-neck jumper with a simple design that shows off the marks. Uses a material that repels water and is resistant to stuffiness. Durable to withstand water repellency even after washing.
Approximate size/weight 0 x 0 x 0 0 0 g