Feature(may vary by option.)

●The Pour Over Coffee Maker from Bodum is one the best ways to brew coffee.
●Made from heat safe borosilicate glass; a permanent steel filter is included.
●Dishwasher safe and BPA free.
●Quick and easy to use.


The Pour Over is a drip type coffee maker made of stainless steel cone filter. No need for paper filters that tend to absorb oils, so you can extract your coffee oil and make your coffee tea taste a breeze If you enjoy the process of pouring hot water that is unique to hand dripping, find the finest cup of original. Fill the filter with approximately 7 grams of fresh Kohee ground for 1 cup (120cc) of warm water. Slowly pour hot water into the whole coffee beans as you draw a circle of hot water. When the water is infused with the hot water, steamed coffee is brewed into the carafe. Pour hot water repeatedly in the same way until it reaches the fullest capacity. Finally, remove the filter and put on the lid and you are ready for your delicious coffee.