Feature(may vary by option.)

●Mirrored cartridge alignment protractor provides improved visibility for cartridge alignment
●Eliminate tracking errors
●You can use it with an S-Shaped arm
●Works with any 1/2" mounted cartridge
●Link to turntable setup guide with instructions included, printed directly on the protractor


[High Contrast]


To properly mount a phono cartridge, you need to be able to position it so that it remains tangent to the record grooves at all diameters. This is always a compromise. This gauge helps you to mount the cartridge to the headshell for the best compromise. The protractor lets an amateur do professional phono cartridge alignment. In just a few simple steps, the Protractor gives precise alignment for better sound and longer stylus life with any standard o cartridge and radial Tonearm. Made of durable 2mm ABS plastic with mirrored finish allows you to precisely adjust your cartridge/stylus by providing clear bottom and top views simultaneously. Unlike similar market alternatives, our protractor is UV Printed and cured for 3 hours ensuring the highest quality print: so youll never have to worry about paint peeling off. Note: If you are hard of sight, like some us on the team at Hudson Hi-Fi, we encourage you to consider the "High Contrast" color option, which will provide better visibility without the mirrored effect. Guide: 1. Place this protractor on your turntable platter with a hole over the spindle. 2. Move cartridge/ tonearm until stylus rests exactly on the center of the bullseye. cartridge mounting screws and t Move cartridge/ tonearm until stylus rests exactly on the center of inner bulls-eye (26 inches radius), Rotate protractor around spindle as required. Check that the cartridge is square with the inner set of grid lines. - If not, change overhang, (move cartridge in or out along the axis) until the cartridge is square. eat steps 2 and 3 till cartridge is square at both points. Tighten mounting, and recheck as above. Remove Protractor. Relax and enjoy it! Fits most standard-sized spindles