Feature(may vary by option.)

●Number of Rolls: 150m
●Size: 0.4 (Ave. 2.3lb)
●Color: Lemony
●Material: ester line
●Soft winding

[lemony 0.2]


The AggingMaster Ester line is designed to achieve "different dimensional line control and "astonishing high sensitivity"
Introducing the new Aggingmaster Ester LEMONi model that uses high color yellow "Lemony" in line color.
The specific gravity (1.35) between nylon and fluoro, so it is less likely to get dull, even on windy days, and allows for stress-free line control. It has great effect on delicate fishing with light rigs such as micro jig heads.
It ensures outstanding visual recognition even in low lights, and adopts high color yellow "lemony" that does not miss delicate bites.