Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made with the core of mahogany
●Hand selected goat leather head
●Size: Diameter 4.5 x Height 8.0 inches (114 x 203 mm)
●Pattern: Flower Design

[Python Design]

[Dark Serpent Design]

[Gecko Design]

[Flower Design]


Product Description

The body is sculpted with a core of mahogany and the head is made of authentic African style rope jumbe, which uses hand selected goatskin leather for the head is made into a small and cute miniature size.

Beautiful hand painted dots.

Join a session at home or outdoors or take it with you wherever you go.

Makes a great gift.

Body Material: Mahogany
PP Nylon Rope: 3mm / Runner: 10
Hand Selected Goatskin Head
Size: Diameter 4.5 x Height 8.0 inches (114 x 203 mm).
Pattern: Flower Design

This product is a Japanese distributor.
Please be aware that we cannot accept the agent warranty.

Legal Disclaimer

Due to the characteristics of the percussion instrument, MEINL products do not come with a **card or instruction manual (English language not guaranteed).
In the event of an initial failure, we can replace it with it.
In addition, the hitting surface and head of the canope, cymbal, and bongo will be consumables