Feature(may vary by option.)

●This frame will make your work look deep
●A simple aluminum frame with a thin frame that allows you to comfortably view your artwork
●Uses Asahi Kasei "Delaglas", which virtually impermeates UV rays to the surface material. Compared to glass, it is less likely to shatter and lighter and easier to handle
●Frame Color: Black
●■ Unfolded Size: A3 Knob ■ Outside Frame Dimensions: 19.9 x 25.0 inches (482 x 636 mm). ■ Outside Mat Dimensions: 18.9 x 25.8 inches (479 x 633 mm). ■ Weight: 5.7 oz (1750 g)
●Made in Japan for peace of mind and reliability

[A4 Square Black]

[Half cut Silver]

[half-cut natural]

[A2 Black]

[A3 Novi natural]

[6 cut Silver]

[6 cuts natural]

[4 cut Silver]

[Wide 4-cut natural]

[Full Paper Silver]

[Full paper natural]

[2L Square Silver]

[Wide 4-cut Silver]

[2L square natural]

[4 cut natural]

[A3 Silver]

[A4 Silver]

[2L Black]

[A4 square natural]

[4 Cut Black]

[A3 natural]

[Wide 4-cut Black]

[2L Square Black]

[A4 natural]

[A2 Silver]

[A3 Novi Black]

[6 Cut Black]

[Half cut Black]

[2L Silver]

[A3 Black]

[A4 Square Silver]

[A2 natural]

[A3 Novi Silver]

[A4 Black]

[Full Paper Black]

[2L natural]


Create a deep impression on your work. It is a gallery.

This is the frame used by many people as a standard frame for photo and solo exhibitions. Thin frame with simple aluminum frame and 2mm thick V-cut mat make your work stand out and enjoy the fun of your artwork.
The surface material is "Delaglas" made by Asahi Kasei. It is virtually impervious to UV rays that are harmful to your fine arts and crafts. This acrylic plate is less likely to break compared to glass and is lighter and easier to handle. Made in Japan for peace of mind and reliability.

Dimensions and Specifications:
■ Expanded Size: A3 Knob.
■Outside Frame Dimensions: 19.9 x 25.0 inches (482 x 636
■ Outside Mount Dimensions: 18.9 x 25.8 inches (479 x 633 mm)
■ Mount window opening dimensions: 12.2 x 18.3 inches (309 x 463 mm)
■ Weight: 1,750 g
■Surface material: Acrylic (using Asahi Kasei Delaglas)