Feature(may vary by option.)

●Finished Size: Approx. W 3.9 x H 4.3 inches (10 x 11 cm) (main unit only)
●Weight: Approx. 1.3 oz (38 g)
●Production time: about 3 hours








SUN FELT San Felt Craft Kit "Showa Retro Kit Meta Mascot Dog FMM-3"

A cute reprint series with a retro atmosphere.

The "Metameta Mascot" released in the 1970s has been reproduced as a modern version.
At that time, we propose two different bodies of color, and named "Metata", meaning "half".
This is the Sanfelts reprint series that has been conveying the fun of felt crafting for many years.
All felt are die-cut and come with a ball chain and ready to be used for charms once finished!

Retro Showa Retro Reproduction Dog Dog Summer Vacation Hand Made Felt Kit Felt

Finished Size: Approx. W 3.9 x H 4.3 inches (10 x 11 cm) (main unit only).
Weight: Approx. 1.3 oz (38 g).
◆ Production Time: About 3 hours

Products marked as the special price are set at a price that is priced for all customers, so they are not eligible for a discount.
The color of the actual product may differ slightly depending on your monitor.