Feature(may vary by option.)

●This wooden router storage box can neatly store cables, power taps, Wi-Fi routers, modems, etc
●The back is fully open so you can simply put it on and go
●The top plate can be adjusted in 3 positions and can be set to fit your storage device
●The top board has 2 outlets
●The main unit is made of wood, so even if you store Wi-Fi devices such as wireless routers, there is no radio interference and can be used comfortably
●This cable storage box is perfect for setting up a variety of places such as living rooms and bedrooms
●The back is treated to prevent cardboards


[brown (light brown)]

[dark brown]


Outlet Box, Router Storage, Outlet Cable, Cable Rack, Wiring Hide Box, Router Box, Outlet Storage, Hidden Outlets, Wifi Outlet Storage Box, Wiring Cords, Hides Outlets, Cord Storage Box