Feature(may vary by option.)

●This set of hanging hardware is perfect for lifting sheet sheets
●Set Includes: Master Link + Chain Sling + Hook
●Master Link: K8W20 (inner dimension: 8.9 x 44.4 inches (225 x 112 cm); Chain sling diameter: φ4.0 inches (10 cm); Hook: Super lock hook SLH-3N; Working load: 3 t; Length: 3.3 ft (1 m); Weight: 13.3 lbs (6.04 kg)
●Quantity: 1

[Length L: 3m]


This set of hanging hardware is perfect for lifting sheet sheets.
Set Includes: Master Link + Chain Sling + Hook
Master Link: K8W20 (inner dimension: 8.9 x 44.4 inches (225 x 112 cm); Chain sling diameter: φ4.0 inches (10 cm); Hook: Super lock hook SLH-3N; Working load: 3 t; Length: 3.3 ft (1 m); Weight: 13.3 lbs (6.04 kg).