Feature(may vary by option.)

●Equipped with pockets for storing pedals and cables
●Backpack Type: Strap
●Size / Weight: 37.8 x 14.2 x 8.3 inches (960 x 360 x 210 mm) / 3.9 lbs (1.8 kg)




Soft case for MODX6 with backpack type strap to support active stage keyboardists.

From the Manufacturer


Soft case for MODX6 with backpack type strap to support active stage keyboardists.

Backpack type with pockets for storing pedals and cables. Strap size / weight: 37.8 x 14.2 x 8.3 inches (960 x 360 x 210 mm). 3.9 lbs (1.8 kg).