Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made in Japan
●Base Material: Polyolefin Adhesive: Rubber type
●Tensile Strength: 50N/0.4 in (10 mm)
●Color: White
●Length: 164 ft (50 m)
●Adhesive Force: 0.05 inch (1.2 mm) / 0.4 inch (10 mm)
●Width: 3.0 inches (75 mm)


Product Description

We use a special adhesive that is good for rough surfaces.
Strong adhesion, stain resistant, abrasion resistant and durable.
Indoor use
Parcel line markings for factories, parking lots, hospitals, etc.

Legal Disclaimer

Delivery time cannot be specified. We appreciate your understanding. Do not use for any purpose other than the intended purpose. Do not use rough handling as this may cause damage