Feature(may vary by option.)

●[Product Details] 100 tablets (gold grain specifications) | Kraft Heart Original Effect-Guide (English language not guaranteed) (supervised by our companys exclusive ear bud bud counselor)
●Color: 100 crystals
●[Specifications] Skin friendly gold grain | Invisible transparent seal | Skin-friendly adhesive | High quality and carefully made in Japan



Product description

Comes with Kraft Heart original "Quality Assurance & Ear Trump Instruction"
Easy to apply. Ear bud jewelry means that by pressing the trigger points on your ears, it will support your ears from the inside.
Traditional beauty method inherited from ancient China, later spread worldwide to the western
For more information, please see the Kraft Heart original "Ear Trigger Point Instruction" from the product. (Supervised by our store exclusive ear bud counseller).

■Product point■
Uses gold grains that are gentle on the skin.
Adopts an authentic Swarovski company’s new model. The transparent seal is invisible and has a clean look.
It does not peel off your skin, so you can enjoy springs, saunas, swimming and diving.
Uses a special processed seal that is difficult to peel off and easy to remove.
Stimulates ear pressure points and allows you to easily enjoy the fashionable feeling.
Made in Japan for safety and peace of mind.
Includes original Kraft Heart effectiveness instructions (1 set per delivery)

■Product Size/Material ■
Gold grain (size diameter): 0.04 inch (1.0 mm)
Transparent seal (diameter): 0.3 inch (7 mm)
Adhesive: Uses hypoallergenic adhesive that is gentle on the skin.

■Manufacturing and sales information■
Country of Manufacture:
Titanium Clear Seal: Japan (Made in Japan).
Swarovski: Made in Austria
Seller: Craft Heart Limited, Ltd. (TEL: 088-879-0175)

※In case that it is considered an unauthorized purchase, we may cancel your order.


●衛生面やお肌の状態を健康に保つため3~4日で貼り替えてください。 ●万一、傷やかぶれ、かゆみが出た場合は速やかに使用を中止し専門医にご相談ください。 ●指定の場所以外には絶対に貼らないでください。 ●本品の使用時上における各種トラブル、乳幼児の御飲、自己など一切の責任を負いかねます。各自の責任においてご利用ください。 ●ご使用の前には必ず耳をよく拭き清浄にしてください。 ●乾燥や低温、高温多湿は粘着力の劣化があります。冷暗所で水平にして保管してください。 ●摩擦や衝撃で粒が外れている場合は再度貼り付けてご使用ください。効果に差はありません。