Feature(may vary by option.)

●Country of Origin: China
●Power Supply: Single phase 200 V, 50/60 Hz
●Power consumption: 1,700 W
●Current: 8.5A
●Heat Output: Approx. 1.7 kW

[IFH-10TP  & 1.7kW]


Far infrared rays are absorbed by the body and warms directly from the core, so you can experience comfortable warmth.
Unlike combustion systems such as kerosene or gas, this product does not use a fire. You do not need to worry about air stains or to frequently ventilate it like a combustion heater.
No need for annoying kerosene.
The heat source is sheath heater. Shock resistant, long life, high efficiency Also suitable for harsh environments such as work sites.
Comes with a shut-off device when falling.
Comes with casters for easy movement.
Installation work is required.