Feature(may vary by option.)

●100% Cotton, Delicate Combed Cotton - Choose the Best Cotton, Clean Cotton, Moisture Wicking and Breathable, Fabric Gentle on the Skin
●Stand-alone packaging, easy to carry, space saving, disassemble and use immediately. Easy and convenient to use. Can be used repeatedly after washing
●EO sterilization - effective at killing microorganisms such as spores, bacteria, fungus at room temperature and is more effective than UV rays
●MULTIPURPOSE USES - Travel, Water Treatment, Hiking, Camping, Sleeping, Business Travel, Overworking, Hospital, Fitness, Sports Gym, Pregnancy and Menstrual
●No Mobility Fluorescent - This product does not contain transition fluorescent agents, so you can buy and use it with confidence

[Colorful L]

[White M size (x 10)]



Delicate comb cotton fabric is gentle on the skin with ethylene-oxide sterilization (EO sterilization), standalone packaging. Easy to carry and save space.




Cotton fabric with a hem design that sterilizes ethylene-oxide with a strong fashion effect unlike traditional disposable pants.

Made of clean cotton, soft feel of cloud-like skin

Delicate Comb Cotton - Choose the Best Cotton Warm Properties

Why use disposable pants?


Product information