Feature(may vary by option.)

●Replacement pre-filter for Fellowes Air Purifier, Aeramax Pro "AM3s" or "AM4s" Replacement estimates are about 6 months, but please replace it if the dirt gets noticed
●Package includes 1 set of 4. For the Aeramax Pro AM3s, use one for one replacement. For the AERRAMAX PRO AM4s, you use two sheets per replacement
●In addition to catching large stains such as hair and dust, it also helps extend the replacement life of other filters
●Filters are not washable and reusable

[Pre-Filter (Large Dirt)]

[Carbon Filter (Odor)]

[HEPA filter (fine dirt)]


Replacement Pre-Filter for Fellowes Air Purifier AerraMax Pro "AM3s" or "AM4s"
Set of 4 (estimated replacement once every 6 months, or if dirt becomes noticeable).

In addition to catching large stains such as hair and dust, it also helps extend the replacement life of other filters.
Replacement estimates are about 6 months, but please replace it if the dirt gets noticed.