Feature(may vary by option.)

●A hair cloak that can be used to cut your child at home!!!
●Waterproof sheet makes it easy to clean
●The neck is made with Velcro that can be adjusted to the size
●Size: 23.6 inches (60 cm); Weight: 1.4 oz (38
●It can be stored in a small and compact manner

[green flowers]





You want to take it to a barber shop but it is a baby hair cloak that solves all the time consuming and expensive problems for children who dont want to hear them. You can quickly cut your hair while youre out of time. The neck has an adjustable Velcro strap for easy on and off. It is water repellent so you can wash your hair off and use it over and over again. Round cape keeps hair from falling on the floor and makes cleaning easy. A must have for homes with children.