
●CPU: Espressif Systems ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8
●Input power supply (rated voltage): Supply from pin header: 3.3 V ± 10 % more than 200 mA, USB connector supply: 5 V ± 10 %
●SPI Flash Memory: 16M byte
●Communication: Wi-Fi, USB
●Development environment: Linux, Windows, macOS


CPU board for attaching Espressif Systems Wi-Fi Module ESP32-S3-WROOM-1ESP32-S3 in Pi:Co Classic3 Compatible with the standard CPU board (RX631 equipped CPU board) on Pi:Co Classic3, and can be replaced and used to develop using micro-ROS.
For Pi: Co Classic 3 only. Please note that it cannot be mounted on other robots.